Vision, Mission, Strategic Goals, and Core Values

Communities Practicing Resiliency (CPR) is a platform for collaborative journeys.

Communities Practicing Resilience (CPR) is a platform for collaboration.  We offer this platform for you to share your journeys.  We look to bring together organizations, familiar with trauma informed approaches, that have common goals/objectives for the purpose of identifying opportunities for them to collaborate on action projects.  We offer assistance and resources that include training, facilitation and assistance with performance metrics.

Our Vision

Children and families living in a safe and healthy environment, effectively coping with adverse experiences.

Our Mission

To instill hope and build resiliency in children, families and communities by establishing trauma-informed, sustainable approaches, where access to resources and shared learning are vital for healthy interdependence.

Our Strategic Goals

1. Identify strategic collective impact partnerships. Collaborate to break down organizational silos and isolation.

2. Convene the people to engage the community to expand awareness and understanding about the adverse effects of childhood trauma and the benefits of positive childhood experiences to develop skills to mitigate past, present and future trauma.

3. Recruit community stakeholders with a current understanding of the effects of trauma in our community. Align inter-organization, operational processes to mutually reinforce and maximize collective impact. Commit to collaboration and continuous communication.

4. Identify and align sustainable funding sources committed to supporting strong families and communities that mitigate the effects of trauma. Convene funders with community stakeholders.

5. Support community resiliency activities that align with CPR Vision, Mission and principals through CPR’s administration and fiscal support.

Our Core Values: CARE

Collaborate to reach consensus

Active Engagement and Dependability

Relationships are paramount- a culture that fosters respect, trust, finding voice and active listening

Equity and Inclusiveness

Our Principles

  • Practice group decision-making without hierarchy
  • Use data and evidence informed practices to continuously learn, adapt, and improve
  • Support and commit to the vision and mission of CPR Harrisburg Region
  • Respect for organizational boundaries/limitations/conflicts of interest
  • Promote cross sector participation